Saying Yes
Over the past month, I’ve been in a fog of trip cancellations, postponements, and rescheduling’s; trying to keep up with constantly changing vendor terms and conditions and calculating lost revenue.
I emerged from the fog today with a grateful heart and excited about the day that we all get to travel the world again. The next month will be a time to re-focus my business priorities and put processes in place to better serve my clients when they’re ready to travel.

I’m not sure if it’s fitting or ironic that my daughters and I were in China five years ago today. It’s not a place that had been on my bucket list, but I had a friend living there at the time and took advantage of the opportunity to visit her. I’m glad that we took this trip when we did to not only spend time with my friend, but also explore a country that I understood so little. Having experienced the Chinese culture first-hand changed me for the better. I now have a deep appreciation and sense of empathy for their history, lifestyle, food, values and beliefs.
COVID-19 is teaching us a lot and one of the biggest lessons is to say yes to life. Yes to opportunities when they present themselves, even if requires sacrifice. Yes to visiting friends, even if it means flying around the world. Yes to experiencing new cultures, especially if they’re ones that you don’t understand. Yes to getting out of your comfort zone, even when it’s scary. Yes to new beginnings, even if we didn’t ask for them.
We don’t know what the travel industry will look like when the dust settles, but it will come back. When the world is open again for travel and you’re ready to say yes, I’ll be here to help.