The Time Isn't Right

One common reason that people put traveling off is because the timing isn't right. We have bills to pay, not enough money saved, big projects at work, are too busy or our children aren't old enough. The list goes on and is different for every person.

Don't wait for the right time. Time isn't waiting for you..jpg

We're more likely to find time for traditional vacations and remodeling our homes, but feel that our lives have to be in perfect order before we can travel and explore new places.

News alert...

   -  Bills do not go away. Ever. 

   -  Refrigerators, washing machines and new tires will always cut into our savings. 

   -  As soon the current big project at work is finished, another one will immediately take it's place.

   -  Our lives are as busy as we allow them to be.

   -  Children are most impressionable when they're young which is when they learn the most about themselves, others and the world. If you haven't noticed yet, childhood passes quickly.

There will always be a reason to delay traveling, but don't listen to those reasons. If you do, you're likely to wake up one day and regret having put it off. Don't wait for the right time or "save" travel for retirement because the time will never be right and we aren't guaranteed retirement.

If you want to see and experience the country or the world, do it. Your reasons for putting it off will be waiting on you when you get back.